When a young, professional bachelor in Toronto's hip King West messaged Nadia on her Facebook page, declaring, "I want to commission you to paint the biggest painting you've ever done on canvas!" and inviting her to come see his loft space, she wasn't sure what to expect.
Upon seeing his industrial-style modern loft with concrete walls and insanely high ceilings, Nadia couldn't help but feel inspired. The client told her that he loved her cityscapes and he wanted her to paint her biggest one yet... and that she did!
Four canvases, all measuring 4' x 4', with a total span of 16' was a new challenge for Nadia to take on. For the first time in her painting career her tiny studio posed a challenge, "It truly was the biggest piece I've ever painted and it required some creativity in my studio because my painting space is smaller then the 16 feet length when all four canvases were lined up, which they had to be in order to have continuity in the cityscape."
Challenging or not, Nadia managed to complete the work in four weeks and was as blown away as her client when the final piece was finally mounted in its' new home.
"[The artwork] took my breath away. I sat with my client after we installed it so we could admire it, and i told him "I am as blown away as you are. Even though I painted it, I feel like the messenger and it is as though this piece wanted to exist and chose me as the medium to make it happen!"
And what did the client think of his new custom Nadia Lloyd Art? Well, its safe to say he liked it! "He still contacts me on FB to tell me that he is in love with it or that his guest are blown away, and he still sends me pics of it and reminds me that I am welcome to come see it anytime I want!"